August 22th, The first and maximum capacity 140MVA arc furnace transformer in
china produced by Changchun Sanding Transformer Co.,Ltd has already prepared for
installation in MCC east JiangSu heavy industry project.
Matched over 100tons arc furnace transformers in china (also include electronic
equipments ) were imported from other countries before. However, after several
consideration and negotiation of design institute of MCC east, which contracting MCC
east JiangSu heavy industry project, decided to cooperate with Changchun Sanding
Transformer Co.,Ltd to produce the transformer for the 220 ton arc furnace of MCC
JiangSu heavy industry steel making programme.After signed contract,Changchun
Sanding Transformer Co.,Ltd paid high attention to the program.They stick to the
aim"boosting national industry",and did a lot of work to research,design, produce ,
finally accomplished in April. Then Changchun Sanding Transformer Co.,Ltd made a
series of tests for the voltage of equipments and arc furnace ,electric resistance. During
the test, design institute of MCC east send staffs to follow the work and paid a check.
It was said that after the basic construction,the 140MVA arc furnace transformer
will be installed around August 25th.